It’ll be Awesome: Why losing doesn’t necessarily mean you lost.

If you’re a Twiggy fan, you may know I recently competed in the Kentucky Derby Festival poster contest for the first time. And, although I was one of the top finalists, I did not win.

Since my family lives for the events of the Derby Festival, I always wanted to submit a Twiggy Originals design. What an honor it would be to create something for everyone to see and celebrate! The process was fun, the people involved were wonderful and, out of it, I feel I have some incredible designs that encompass all of the awesomeness of the Festival. Am I bummed that a Twiggy won’t be plastered on posters, shirts and coozies in 2015? Of course! But, in true Twiggy fashion, I know it will happen someday. And it’ll be awesome!

Check out my submissions below and tell me what you think!

Fotor01021132021Submissions I & II: Festival Pegasus and Derby City

I was asked to create a third submission which ended up being my favorite. Sometimes it’s good to be pushed in another direction. Below is the process for Submission III: Festival by Night & Day:


It begins with a sketch


Once the paint hits the canvas, the magic begins!


FINAL : Festival by Night & Day

At the end of the day, I have three really wonderful pieces that I am proud of. My friends and family still love me. And guess what? The world didn’t end. Losing doesn’t always mean you “lost” – you just have to wake up every day feeling like a winner!

  • A limited number of Derby City prints are available for purchase.
  • Originals and a limited number of prints of Festival Pegasus and Festival by Night & Day are also available for purchase.

You can read more about my family’s love of the Kentucky Derby and Festival at


Thanks for reading!
xo, Twiggy








  1. Marcile {emberton
    October 22, 2014

    I think this is wonderful, full of color and too hard to pick! I would have to choose Festival of Day and Night. May I ask the prices?
    I have enjoyed my paintings I have purchased so much….

    • Avatar photo
      October 22, 2014

      Thank you so much! I sent you an email with pricing for all three. Great to hear from you!

  2. Linda Herp
    October 22, 2014


    I love them all! You will always be a winner in my book! What will you be charging for the prints? P.S. Miss seeing your smiling face!

  3. Meredith
    October 22, 2014

    #3 is my fave!